Bugs Corner in Nest Room!

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At Best Start Remuera Road, we take pride in crafting enriching environments for infants and toddlers to flourish and explore. Our dedicated team of Kaiako/Teachers recognizes the significance of nurturing children's natural curiosity and connection with the world around them. That is why we have meticulously designed various activities and sections to cater to their interests and developmental needs. Among these, the Bugs Corner in our Science Corner holds a special place. It is more than just a collection of critters; it is a dynamic learning environment where young children can engage with the wonders of the natural world. From observing tiny insects to learning about their habitats and behaviors, the Bugs Corner offers endless opportunities for discovery and exploration. By immersing themselves in this hands-on experience, infants and toddlers not only expand their knowledge of living things but also develop crucial cognitive and sensory skills. This aligns perfectly with our broader goal of making the sixteen areas of play visible in the environment, demonstrating how learning can be integrated into everyday experiences. In essence, the Bugs Corner is a testament to our commitment to providing high-quality early childhood education that nurtures the child's holistic development.