After clicking the 'Pay Now' button, you will be redirected to the secure payment gateway where your payment details will be requested. After processing the payment on this site you will be brought back to your receipt. Card payments on this page will incur a 2% surcharge
Pay Fees
Fees vary from centre to centre, and for individual families they are determined by the number of days your child is with us. For specific fee information about the centre that you’re interested in, please contact the centre directly. You can search for a centre here.
Pay your Centre Fees
BestStart is part of the Government’s 20 hours programme. Our centres provide 20 hours per week of early childhood education (ECE) for three to five-year-old children. From the age of three, your child is entitled to government subsidised fees at our centres for 20 hours up to six hours per day and up to 20 hours per week. If you need your child to be in childcare for more than 20 hours per week you will be charged fees for these extra hours.
To access your allocated 20-subsidised hours all you need to do is enrol your child at one of our BestStart centres and complete the attestation section of the enrolment process. Your fees will then be reduced according to the fees schedule for that centre.
Childcare Subsidies may be available to parents or guardians, you may be able to get assistance if:
- You’re the main caregiver of the child
- You’re a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident
- Your child has at least three hours of care of a week
The childcare assistance available to you will be determined by your individual situation and the type of care your child is enrolled for. WINZ also has an online calculator and application form. You’ll find it on the Working for Families website
Family Boost childcare payments
You may also be eligible for the Government’s new Family Boost childcare payment, from October 2024. If eligible, you will be able to claim up to 25% of your fees each quarter from the IRD, to a maximum of $975.
BestStart can help you understand if you will be able to submit a claim as well as providing a quarterly statement to make claiming easier.
There is more information on the IRD website around eligibility and how you can claim this.
Terms and Conditions of Childcare Fees Payments
Description of Goods and Services
BestStart Educare Ltd, a registered charity, is New Zealand’s largest private provider of early childhood education nationwide. We also offer after school and OSCAR programmes.
Prices are indicated in New Zealand dollars.
Payment by card will incur a 2% card surcharge
Return and Refund Policy
Should a payment be made in error or for the wrong amount, the cardholder should contact their local centre and request a refund. Alternatively, the cardholder may call 0800 MY FEES (0800 69 3337) for this purpose. Refunds are processed back onto the credit card that the money was deducted from.
Details of Delivery Times for Services
Payments made through this credit card system should be for childcare fees relevant to the identification provided. Fees are expected to be paid in advance.