Painting the Town Green!

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At Richmond Kindy, we have a close relationship with Kids Greening Taupo. Every year, they hold a special planting day where children from around Taupo join to plant native trees in a chosen area. A group of tamariki were chosen to join this planting day and transfer their knowledge of planting from the centre to a special event. 

They dug the holes deeper and placed the fertilizer in the hole. After 'tickling the roots' of the plant (breaking them up), they gentle placed the plant in the hole and used their 'ninja hands' to push it down into the dirt. They finished the planting by collecting a bucket of mulch to put around the plant. Caring for nature and spending time outdoors is important to our centre and this was a great opportunity for our tamariki to take responsibility for the living world whilst connecting with our local community. 

Many children within the centre spend time planting and watering their gardens at home and they were able to extend on this interest on the excursion. We learnt so much from the amazing team at Kids Greening Taupo and we are already looking forward to next year's planting event!