A Healthy Morning Tea at BestStart Bader Street


It is feijoa season and here at BestStart Bader Street, we are so privileged to have a feijoa tree in our toddler's outdoor learning environment. We involve nga tamariki in picking feijoas for their own morning tea, which is not only a delightful activity but also a valuable educational experience for our tamariki. 

It is a fantastic way to promote healthy eating habits and to connect with nature. This hands-on approach instills a sense of responsibility and pride in consuming some fruit the children have picked themselves. Imagine the excitement on their faces as they pick the feijoas! This experience not only engages their senses but also engages them in physical activity, promoting a healthy lifestyle and appreciation for fresh, nutritious foods. 

The activity keeps the nga tamariki busy for a while, they also learn about how fruit grow, how to look after fruit and veg plants and much more. Nga tamariki got to experience the satisfaction of picking their own fruit, fostering independence and self-sufficiency. When the children pick fruit for their morning tea, it is not only about getting a snack—it is about fostering a deeper connection to nature, promoting healthy habits, and cultivating a sense of appreciation for the healthy food we enjoy