ANZAC Day Memorial

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This month at BestStart Tauranga Central we have been exploring Anzac Day. By building young children’s understanding of the traditions, facts, and folklore of ANZAC Day, the many real-life stories of sacrifices and heroism of everyday New Zealanders will not be lost, but be handed down to future generations. 

We researched with our Tamariki why we have Poppies as a remembrance and then set about making our own special poppies to take home and the children were able to take them to the Anzac Parade and leave them as a tribute to our fallen soldiers. One of the amazing Kaikao made an Anzac wreath with the Tamariki and one of our children kindly represented us at the Anzac Day service and placed it on the cenotaph along with other tributes. 

We had many other Anzac Day activities such as baking Anzac cookies. It has been claimed that Anzac biscuits were shipped to the soldiers during the war because the ingredients did not spoil easily, and the biscuits were kept well during naval transportation. which we enjoyed together for afternoon tea. We used many different resources and explored different aspects of art to create different forms of Poppies that were displayed around the centre.