Autumn at BestStart Highfield

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What an exciting month it has been here at Best Start Highfield this March. We have sadly said goodbye to our beautiful Summer weather but have welcomed Autumn with a bang. The children have already begun to enjoy exploring the new season! We have noticed that the leaves in our playground have started to full to the ground and turn a different colour. 

One of our current favourite experiences is jumping on the crispy leaves. We have also had a very exciting visit from our local fire station. This visit was super special as the firemen brought with them a fire truck! Our tamariki were so excited to go and greet all of the firemen and watch them get dressed into their outfits. We then took turns to line up and have a turn sitting in the fire truck! 

The children happily sung Nee Naw as they climbed up the stairs into the truck. Once inside the truck the tamariki looked around and noticed lots of interesting things. “There’s so many buttons” one of our four old friends yelled out. Thank you so much to our local fire station! The children have talked about this visit for weeks! They have been so engaged in play around this topic too. I am seeing fire hoses out on the playground and children racing around to put out some huge imaginary fires! 

We are also looking forwards to some excursions that will be happening this month. We have had a visit from the bigger children at Waimataitai school who came and got to know our tamariki. Then next week we will be taking our school ready group to visit Waimataitai school. I wonder what exciting things we will get up to next month.