Building Whanaungatanga


This term at BestStart North road we have had a focus on building whanaungatanga as connections and relationships are made. We invited whanau to come along, bring a plate of kai and have a catch up with kaiako outside of centre hours. 

During the whanau evening, we found out what was important to our families, what celebrations they would like to see throughout the year to support growing connections for tamariki between the people, places and things that are important for them to have a sense of belonging here and in their wider community. 

Throughout the whanau evening parents had the opportunity to meet and connect with kaiako that are in the rooms their tamariki will transition to next and that run programs such as bush kindy that tamariki talk about at home. It was a relaxed evening where relationships between families who’s tamariki are friends were created and parents were able to have discussions with kaiako. 

The tamariki shared some songs they had been practicing to the delight of the parents and whanau. Thankyou to all of our whanau for coming along, sharing kai, building relationships and growing the sense of whanaungatanga and belonging for the tamariki.