**Celebrating Matariki with Our Class**


This year, we celebrated Matariki by exploring one star from the Matariki cluster each day. Each star in the cluster has its own unique significance, and we engaged in activities that connected with what each star represents. 

This was a wonderful opportunity for us to learn more about Matariki and the rich cultural heritage it embodies. We were able to cover all areas of the curriculum during this time - language, maths, science, geography, cultural studies, practical life, sensorial mahi. 

We made kamokamo pickle and ate it with cheese and crackers. We made bubbles and flew kites. We learned to recognise the calls of our native birds. We made windchimes and windmills. We made rainsticks and also learned about the life cycle of eels. We learned how to make tally marks and we counted the different birds we saw in our garden. The older Tamariki wrote and read stories about Matariki, the younger children drew pictures and listened to the stories. 

To culminate our celebration, we hosted a special Matariki evening with our Whānau from the centre. Each family brought a plate of food from their culture to share with everyone. This not only allowed us to enjoy a diverse array of delicious foods but also to celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures that make up our community. It was a night of sharing, learning, and connecting with one another. 

We are peaceful, global, connected citizens.