Community- Connections and Te Reo Māori


We are so lucky to have primary and secondary schools close by that they contact us to share their knowledge and learning.

We had two visits from Marlborough Girls College. The students were from a year 9 and year 10 Te Reo Māori class. They asked if they could share their pukapuka with the children that they had made for an assignment. Ofcourse we jumped at this opportunity. The visits were interesting and fun, the young authors came prepared with books they had written in Te Reo and English and illustrated colourfully as well. Before the the students sat down with our mokopuna they sang a waiata along with their Kaiako. They were a little shy to start with but our tamariki were interested and listened attentively to their beautiful waiata. The mokopuna found the visit exciting, and was a great way to hear more Te Reo spoken to them in a fun and relevant way.

This visit links to our philosophy Whakamanawa, where we inspire all tamariki to feel confident in who they are and to affirm their place in our community by developing partnerships and connections as a learning community.

Thank you so much to the Marlborough girls college for our visits, we loved them and look forward to more.