Daffodil Day at Kelvin Grove


Here at BestStart Kelvin Grove, our vision is "At one with child, whānau, and community". We are community minded and it is important to us to get involved with doing what we can to fundraise for causes such as the Cancer Foundation. 

We had a yellow dress up day and a 'Heart of Gold' to stick coins to. This helped us to raise awareness for the Cancer Foundation on Daffodil Day. We were proud to donate $99 to the Cancer Foundation this year. We appreciated that our whānau get involved in the various events and celebrations that we have throughout the year. Daffodils mark the return of spring and new life which is why cancer organisations around the world use the daffodil as a symbol of hope for all people affected by cancer. We were gifted some Daffodil flowers which have been planted in our preschool garden. 

Daffodil Day is also a timely reminder about Sun Safety. In September, tamariki know that we engage our Sun Smart rules such as wearing brim hats, applying sun block regularly and wearing clothes that cover our shoulders. As the saying goes... Slip, slop, slap and wrap!