Disco Day


We have had a great turn out for Disco day! So many Tamariki and Kaiako all dressed up in bright colours, favourite costumes and crazy hair ! GREAT EFFORT! 

For our school holiday program we have had some great activities planned and having a Disco is what the Tamariki chose to do. There were so many children choosing what music they wanted to dance to with their friends and lots of great singing. The older Tamariki encouraged all the young babies and toddlers to dance and sing with them. 

The preschool team set the scene with a disco ball, lights, and balloons for the whole centre to enjoy the atmosphere was so much fun and there were so many happy faces! Next week we have a Teddy bears picnic and the Tamariki all get to bring their favourite toys to have a picnic with all the preschool. We also have bike day planned and Anzac biscuit decorating and dress up day, we will be making poppies and having a special Anzac story for all Tamariki to enjoy. We have so much fun planned for everyone during the holidays!