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In November we celebrate Diwali which is also known as the festival of lights, is a special celebration that many people in India and around the world enjoy. We celebrate good over evil and tamariki learn all about Diwali throughout the week, including the story behind Diwali of the return of lord Rama to his kingdom after defeating the demon king Ravana. To welcome him back, people lit lamps to guide his way home. This is why lighting lamps and candle is such an important part of the celebration. 

Our young tamariki can learn valuable lessons from Diwali, this celebration teaches the importance of kindness, sharing and coming together with whānau and friends. Celebrating the many different celebrations from around the world like Diwali encourages tamariki to appreciate different cultures and traditions, foster manaaki, respect and understanding for diversity. Throughout the joy of celebrating tamariki learn about gratitude and the value of communities. 

For us here at BestStart Stokes Valley we love the whole centre coming together for celebrations like Diwali as it is a wonderful opportunity for young tamariki to embrace love, hope and the joy of togetherness. We are a melting pot of cultures at BestStart Stokes Valley and we love to celebrate them all.