Exploring our Local Community
Here at BestStart West Melton, we believe it is important to get out and explore our local community and make the connections with our local whanau and special places. Today our Navigators and Inventors tamariki (3-5 year olds) took advantage of the lovely warm weather and went on an excursion to our local park and playground.
Here the tamariki were able to challenge themselves on the equipment and extended on their gross motor skills. This was a great way for them to build their confidence and in some cases, try something new. While on our excursion we were also able to share our knowledge of our local area and of where we live. Lots of children pointed out their own houses, or houses of their extended family members or friends. As we explored our local community we could see and here the tamariki making these connections with their special local places.
We also talked about what we could explore and look for on our next excursion. Some of the children came up with the idea of doing a scavenger hunt, the other tamariki and Kaiako thought that this was a great idea. So, when we got back to our centre we started to discuss and plan out what items and local things we could look for on our scavenger hunt.
We are all very excited for the next excursion!