Exploring Science at BestStart Rototuna


The topic for our room planning this term was Exploring science. This topic was chosen because straight after holidays, children were captured sharing and discussing about a wide range of things like holding bugs in their hands, seeing different plants, trees and birds. 

They were curious to know how the world work. We had done different science experiments in our classroom like the life cycle of butterfly, baking soda vinegar experiment, recreating colours with chemical reaction, fizzy rainbow blocks, three states of water and crystal candies. 

Through these experiences, children got the opportunity to develop their observational skills and identify changes and differences such as changes in matter; for example, melting ice cubes. By exploring the world around them through hands on experiments, children learnt about the cause and effect, critical thinking and problem solving skills in exciting ways. 

They got the opportunity to work together and communicate with one another, share ideas , listen to one another and work together to achieve a common goal. Bur most importantly science experiments fostered a love of learning in young children. By making learning fun and engaging, children are developing a life long passion for exploring the world around them.