Flower arranging at BestStart Kamo Central


Here at BestStart Kamo Central, we are lucky to have one of our amazing parents work down the road at our local flower shop. This week they had extra flowers and greenery left over and decided to donate these to our centre so each of our tamariki could have a go at creating their very own flower arrangement. 

Each of our tamariki got their own wrapped-up piece of oasis floral foam to experiment with. They were free to choose whatever flowers or greenery that caught their eye. This was a great experience that supported the tamariki to grow and strengthen their fine motor skills as they pressed each flower into the oasis foam. 

It also supports them in growing their creativity. Our older tamariki explored and experimented with their flower creations first. Once they had learnt how to do it, we encouraged them to buddy up with one of our younger tamariki to support and teach them how to create their own. 

In our centre we value tuākana tēina relationships. This is a great way for our older tamariki to build a sense of responsibility and helps to develop a kind, respectful centre culture.