Future "Booth's" Workers!
Making links within our local community and supporting our tamariki to explore real-life experiences that build future aspirations and possibilities for themselves is key to our vision at BestStart Kelvin Grove - "at one with child, whānau and community".
The tamariki were full of questions and curiosity when we visited Booth's Logistics, exploring and learning about different roles within the industry, growing understanding of the process of loading and distributing and exploring the interior and exterior of a big truck was a special hands-on learning experience.
At BestStart Kelvin Grove, we utilise excursions to build on individual children's interests and learning focus. This progresses their thinking and understanding, developing their working theories by drawing on their individual knowledge and experiences, and adding new experiences and community connections in order to make sense of their wider world. Excursions like these offer opportunities to imagine, question, learn from "experts" and make connections to "real life".
We value our wider learning community and having our whānau contribute to our curriculum through visits like these to parent's workplaces in the local community supports our tamariki to make connections between people, places and things. Keep an eye out in the future, these tamariki could be delivering goods to a town near you!