Future Champions


Supporting our Kiwi athletes competing at the Olympic Games in Paris, we decided to do run our very own Olympics here at Beckenham. We started with an opening ceremony including our very own Olympic torch. Celebrating all the cultures we have here at Beckenham every child carried their flag of their nation for the ceremony. 

Our teachers then lead a warm up session incorporating stretches and breathing exercises where we could get our bodies ready for action. We started our Olympics with a bike marathon day in the carpark – this was great for fitness, body control, spatial awareness and confidence. Great fun held by all. Over the two-week period the children had the opportunity to participate in weightlifting, egg and spoon races, running races, sack races, high jump, and a range of gymnastics. 

As we know sports develop a range of skills and abilities as the Preschool children are aged between 2 to 5 years, the connections between the older children helping/leading the younger children during the sports was fantastic, such a great way to build leadership, confidence, team work, turn taking and listening. 

Sharing the experiences with whanau was also a great experience, it sparked a lot of conversation about what the children are watching and trying at home. During mat times we even watched some medal ceremonies where the teachers were helping the children to learn the national at them of New Zealand. What a successful two weeks of sports.