​Get Ready to Play

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Unleashing our Potential with Structured Physical Activities! At BestStart Somerset, we know that physical activity isn't just about running around aimlessly – it's about structured engagement that nurtures holistic development in our tamariki. That's why we're all about incorporating exciting activities like ball games and obstacle courses into our routines to unleash the full potential of our young learners! Let's dive into the world of structured physical development with our little ones at BestStart Somerset? Get ready as we kick, pass, climb, and conquer our way to boundless fun and skill-building adventures! 

At BestStart Somerset we kick-start coordination, spatial awareness, and collaboration skills with our awesome ball games! Whether it's dribbling a soccer ball or passing a basketball, our tamariki refine their motor skills and hand-eye coordination with every kick and pass. Plus, team-based ball games teach them valuable lessons in communication, cooperation, and sportsmanship – skills that will serve them well both on and off the playground! 

Our tamariki love to take on a challenge. As such our obstacle courses are where tamariki can put their agility, strength, and problem-solving skills to the test! From climbing blocks to balancing beams, each obstacle presents a new challenge that encourages perseverance and resilience. As our tamariki strategize and adapt their approach to conquer each obstacle, they're not just building physical literacy – they're also developing a growth mindset that will help them overcome any challenge that comes their way. Structured physical activities like ball games and obstacle courses aren't just about building muscles – they're about building lifelong habits of health and wellness. 

By instilling a love for physical activity from an early age, we're setting our tamariki up for a lifetime of active living and well-being. So let's get moving, have fun, and unleash the full potential of our young learners at BestStart Somerset!