Harvest Time!


Here at BestStart Pleasant Point we are very privileged to have such a beautiful outdoor environment. We have been actively working towards becoming more sustainable and involving the tamariki in caring for the environment. 

We currently have chickens, an array of fruit trees, vegetable gardens and a home-made worm farm. We are well into our harvest and we are finding new and innovative ways to use our produce. We reached out to our whanau and wider community to get support and knowledge around preserving. 

Following this we received incredible support with whanau coming in to our centre and teaching us how to bottle pears. Tamariki experience an environment where their health is promoted - through active engagement in gardening activities, learning about where our kai comes from. 

Taking turns fosters a sense of wellbeing by creating a cooperating and inclusive atmosphere. With fruits and vegetables from our garden and eggs from our chickens we have made cakes, quiches, sandwiches and muffins. Through kaiako inviting tamariki to try vegetables contributes to their wellbeing by promoting healthy eating habits. T

hese experiences allow tamariki to explore different tastes and textures while connecting food choices to their overall health. We are also putting some of our produce in the local A n P show and we cannot wait to see the results. As we continue our journey we would like to say a huge “thank you” to everyone in our community for helping us in our journey.