Introducing Jane - our new Head Teacher


At BestStart Te Awamutu, we are always looking for exciting new ways to engage and inspire our tamariki. An example of this was when our new head teacher and talented musician, Jane, brought her guitar to the centre for an impromptu concert. Here’s what Jane had to share about her passion for music… 

“Music is one of my passions – I love sharing this with tamariki. I’ve seen even the tiniest of people hear music and begin to move their bodies in time – so being able to share my music, encourage and feed their abilities and interests I find, is a real privilege and a pleasure. I like to provide tamariki the opportunity to see many different instruments being played, right there in the room where they can explore the instruments and even experiment with ‘making them go’. If our tamariki leave the centre having had the energy of music and dance woven into the rhythm of their day, I’m a happy Kaiako. If they can then take a love and appreciation of music into their future with them, then Yay, the song will go on.” 

Thank you Jane for sharing your passion and talent with us at BestStart Te Awamutu.