I​t's a Pirate Life for me!

Today we went for a fun excursion to the Taradale library for Pirate story time! There were pirate stories and fun pirate action songs it was a lot of fun and a beautiful day for a walk!

Trips and outings provide opportunities to explore people, places, resources, and events that have shaped your local community. Trips to places outside the playgroup or visits from people to the playgroup can provide tamariki with hands-on experiences and increase their understanding of the world around them.

  • Visits and outings support tamariki to:
  • learn about the community they belong to
  • discover the local history and culture
  • experience new sights, sounds, and smells
  • question and explore
  • learn new vocabulary and engage in conversations
  • build confidence, social skills and a sense of belonging.

Listening to stories builds concentration, memory and comprehension skills, and a curiosity to learn more. Teachers often ask children questions about what they think may happen next or what it means. So children learn to express things in their own way, a great confidence builder.