Matariki at BestStart Blenheim Central


Over the months of June and July BestStart Blenheim Central celebrated Matariki (Māori New Year). The children learnt about what each star represents in the Matariki star cluster. 

They listened to storybooks and songs at mat times, and then were able to show their learning and creativity in different art experiences such as painting and collage. The children also were able to do some planting, gathering and harvesting from our very own centre vegetable garden, that also linked to the star Tupuanuku that connects to the food grown in the ground. 

The tamariki learnt why we celebrated Matariki and how it brought everyone together from our centre and outside of the centre in our community. We came together to celebrate at the centre with our whanau and the community over some waiata the children have learnt over the last couple of months. We then shared some kai that the families and tamariki contributed vegetables to. We made our soup and fry bread to share with everyone. The children were able to show their art work in the wall displays to parents and tell them what each star represented. 

The parents favourite display was the wishing star (Hiwa-I-Te-Rangi) display which was shooting stars that displyed the tamariki wishes.