Messy Play at BestStart Beckenham


At BestStart Beckenham, messy play is one of the 16 areas of play that we have available regularly. Messy Play is designed with children's natural curiosity in mind. Through messy play children can develop social, cognitive, language development and gross motor skills whilst having fun in play. 

Messy play is an important part of early education there is no "right" way for children to do messy play each experiencing new learning opportunities. Our tamariki love using their hands to feel the different textures and consistency with each type of messy play. Noticing when using the brushes and utensils at the different activities, it created different shapes, the movement of the activity would be different at each one and each activity had its own texture. 

During these experiences we also learn to develop our social skills and learn to work alongside others. Kaiako worked alongside the tamariki, asking questions about the activity to engage their minds and help explore their creativity and ideas. We thank our whānau for providing the many changes of clothing necessary and recognising that messy play is a valuable learning tool. Coming in to the warmer weather, it is a great time to explore messy play and water play.