Mānawatia a Matariki!

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This month we celebrated Puanga Matariki with our special event down at He Ara Kotahi Bridge! Our tamariki, whānau and kaiako greatly look forward to this special time of year with our tradition of spending time together at the bridge for an evening. Leading up to this, whānau were invited to bring in vegetables that we could prepare and turn into delicious soup. 

Puanga kai rau, a Puanga whakatauki, recognizes the great efforts of growing, harvesting and storing kai for the long winter nights. Tamariki have been working hard creating plenty of beautiful art work to display in the classrooms and engaging in activities relating to the Matariki stars. It was such a lovely evening made or the more perfect for the company and excitement on all of our little peoples faces. We shared kai, stories, waiata and remembered those who have passed as we let the river wash away the year that has past and bring in the coming year. 

Tamariki and whānau decorated lanterns in doting memory of their loved ones. We looked up at the stars to spot Puanga and te marama. Thank you to all of those who joined us!