Our Environment


At BestStart Melling our environment is one of the first elements where children learn how to explore, learn new skills and strategies through play. We believe that a child's environment shapes their learning and behavior. We set up our environment which can cater for the 16 areas of play. 

As you can see in our pictures below, we have set up the environment as a third teacher. Our environment allows children to lead their learning, through various inquisitive provocations. When the environment is purposefully set up, it strengthens children's skills such as social, emotional, leadership, contribution skills and exploration skills. 

We also look at areas where children can play alongside each other, create beautiful bonds of friendships but also have places where they can have individual quiet time. The teachers also plan out how they will set up the environment to cater for children's current interest and activities which link to the current program planning project. 

Each environment has at least one intentional provocation which is set up for children to grow their knowledge on a particular knowledge of interest.