Our Excursion to Lynmore School (Small).jpeg (Small).jpeg

Today we wen on a excursion to Lynmore School Library. We set off on our adventure at 10am, and even though we were super excited we all did amazing at keeping our bodies calm and listening so well to our kaiako. As we exited the building we found a buddy to hold hands with to help keep us safe. 

When we arrived at school, we signed in at the office and then headed straight to the library. Initially we had the whole library to ourselves, such a calm and peaceful place to be! It was exciting to be able to select some books and find a cosy spot to look at them, either on our own or with a friend. We had to remember where we had taken them from so we could put them back in the right spot, a great way to practice using our memories. 

Then one of the classes, Kupe 4, arrived with their teacher Whaea Hayley. They are one of the year three/four classes at Lynmore School and had come to join us to practice their reading. We divided into four groups and got to listen as they took turns to read aloud to us. Listening to Kupe 4 practicing their reading… Once Kupe 4 had finished reading their class book to us, we got some special one on one reading time with some of the students. What a wonderful way to support tuakana-teina relationships. Time went really quickly and before we knew it we had to pack up to head back for lunch. We are so lucky that Lynmore School have allowed us to use their library and to borrow some books. Not only is this allowing us to build strong connections with the school but enhancing our literacy skills at the same time. 

Each of us got to pick a book to bring back so we can read them at mat time. Sadly Kupe 4 were a bit late arriving so there was no time to visit the junior playground, but next time we go to the library a stop at the playground is on the agenda. Enjoying some one on one reading with the students and getting to pick a book to take away… Relationships/Ngā Hononga: Children learn through responsive and reciprocal relationships with people, places and things.