Our Happy Pepe/Babies

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At BestStart North Harbour we strongly believe that the settling process is one of the most important parts our tamariki/children’s successful journey into early childhood setting. We are intentional in our practice as we get to know each child and whanau/family during the settling period. Our philosophy is, "Belonging, Being, Becoming" which you’ll see evidence of in our daily practice and wall displays of children engaging in play whether solo, with a small group, larger groups and with kaiko/ teachers. Our settling process includes two 60-minute visits during a convenient time for both whanau and Kaiako where we are able to engage with you and your child in a calm and welcoming way. These visits allow us to get to know the child and their whanau on a more personal level. We work collaboratively with the parents to better support the child as we understand their routines and needs. We also find out about the child's interests and parents’ aspirations and wishes for them while in our care. Our team believes in building trusting relationships with the child and their parents to ensure both develop the sense of belonging in the centre. We achieve this goal through consistent, honest, and open communication – verbal and written. At the end of each day, our Kaiako share with parents’ information and highlights about their child's day. Our settling process along with open communication supports our tamariki and whanau to have a home away from home experience as we engage in a fabulous play curriculum where children really do – Belong, Be and Become their potential.