​Our Matariki Centre Celebrations ⭐️

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Matariki is a special occasion for Aotearoa as it marks the start of the Māori New Year. This is signified by the Matatriki cluster of stars reappearing in our night sky. This is a time to reflect on the past year and remembrance of those that have passed, celebrate the present, and look ahead and plan for the future. 

Here at Napier Central we are always seeking authentic and meaningful ways to integrate Te Ao Māori into our practice, policies and philosophy. Matariki has therefore provided us with a wonderful gateway to explore deeper learning and discussions. Throughout the last couple of months we have been exploring the matariki cluster of stars. It has allowed us all to celebrate Māori culture and to learn and share Māori traditions, customs and stories. We connected with Tupu a rangi by making bird feeders and talking about the trees that provide kai for birds and for us. 

We connected with Ururangi by making mobiles to catch the the breeze using natural resources. Each star was a great way to connect with our environment and people close to us. For us all here at Napier Central, Matariki is a time for learning, but also celebration and togetherness. This year was a time of coming together as a whole. The evening was adorned with twinkle lights, the aroma of wonderful hearty warming soup, yummy cake, the flicker of light from the brazier that not only provided us with warmth and light but delicious toasted marshmallows, and best of all the hum of chatter as we all gathered together to enjoy this special time. Our whānau were rugged up warm to join us all for this wonderful celebration.