Our Transition Process

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We have enjoyed our first week, opening our doors to our first group of children. The sound of laughter echoed around the centre as the children began to settle into their new learning environment.

 The transition for families is not always easy which to leads to the teachers thinking………

How can this transition be easier for the family? 

The emotions and new stimulation resulting from the transition to the setting may cause some children to experience sleep regressions, throw more tantrums, and/or change their eating habits. Here are some tips on how to make things a little more manageable during this time:

  • Expect things to be a bit bumpy for a few days and try to avoid making too many other changes to your family’s routine at the same time.
  • ECE can initially be emotionally and physically tiring for your child. You might try letting your child nap longer, put them to bed early, and/or spend more time cuddling and playing with your child. Providing snacks that are high in protein and low in sugar will help them make it through the day with greater success.
  • Physical expressions of love and speaking about the experience help to soothe your child’s nervous system and will allow them to better integrate and understand the change.
  • For parents, seeking support from friends and family members who understand what you are going through can be especially useful. It may also be helpful to establish a way to check in regularly with the child’s new setting and teacher to receive updates on how the day is going. Building self-care activities into one’s routine can also calm nerves and promote emotional well-being, which will ultimately strengthen the parent-child relationship.

If you have any concerns during the transition process our nurturing teachers will be available to answer any of your questions.