Our Van Trip to the Herb Farm

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Part of our centre philosophy is about connection with our wider community and discovering "where we are from". We have been enjoying getting out and about and today we hopped into the van and headed to the Herb Farm gardens and cafe.

Our 6 tamariki were excited to be on this local adventure together. We started with a little Kai in the gardens taking in the surroundings and then puku's full we were ready to walk around. The children and kaiako headed into the forest walk - making sure to stay on the path and observe all the wonderful details in nature and the surprises to be found. 

We were able to smell and hear nature all around us and as we got in a little further we found some forest friends who lived in the Herb Farm gardens. A little further in we bumped into the Herb World book characters and talked about some of the special properties that herbs have and how they can help us.

We walked across bridges and sat and rested on stumps and stools in the nature sanctuary. It was peaceful and invigorating. We ended our visit with a play on the grounds and a yummy little fluffy treat from the cafe. A really special morning developing working theories and knowledge of the world around us and our place in our community