Our Vision - Poipoi te tamaiti (Nuture the child)


At BestStart Birkdale, recently we have been reflecting on our vision by recognising (observations of teachers) and responding (setting learning experiences) to the children’s love of messy art and creation. By providing different art-based experiences, the children have been free to explore, create, and have fun. 

With all the painting and art activities we have been able to encourage and support the children to express themselves, have conversations, use their senses, and be messy. Within this messy art play, we use various resources such as brushes, cotton balls, string, hands, cardboard tubes, sponges, and other tools to explore the properties of paint. This sets up the environment to be a provocation of learning which children are naturally drawn to by their innate curiosity about the world around them. 

Messy play is a great way for children to explore and during this type of play, they have many opportunities to share with friends, use language, build relationships, and wonder about the world. If you are interested in learning more about this type of play in relation to your own child’s learning come along and see us. 

We would love to have you join the fun!