Rolleston Primary School visit

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As part of our 'Set for School' focus some of our older children joined the new entrant room at Rolleston primary for the morning. We enjoyed a nice walk from our centre to the school and got to see our community along the way. While we were there, we took part in mat time, kai time, and free play where they explored the classroom and the children showed them how to use the resources. 

This supports our learners to gain confidence and grow their resilience for new environments. By doing these excursions regularly we have formed a strong connection to one of our local primary schools, who also come and visit us from time to time. This is to help our older children gain confidence and an understanding of what school could look like before they start their own transition to school. 

All the children had a wonderful time and got to catch up with some children that used to attend BestStart Rolleston. When they returned to the centre the children loved sharing what they did and learnt about with our younger children who will visit in the future.