​Samoan language week 2024

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Talofa lava Whanau Samoan Language Week is an annual celebration that provides an opportunity to recognise and appreciate the beauty and significance of the Samoan language. 

To encourage us all to explore this beautiful language and celebrate the role of language in building connections, we will celebrate this event every year. Samoan Language Week, also known as Vaiaso o le Gagana Samoa, has been celebrated every year since 2007. This year, it falls between May 26th and June 1st, 2024. The Ministry, for Pacific Peoples organises the week-long event to promote the Samoan language and culture among Samoan communities and the wider public. In Best Start Kauri Flats, during Samoan language week, we had engaged our tamariki in different samoan activities like samoan flower colouring and drawing, singing waiatas (numbers, colours, shapes), story time, baking,cultural dance and art and craft .We wrapped up the language week with the flowery dress up.

During the week ,we teachers encouraged children to use samoan language words and phrases. Our tamariki also visited library during this week to attend the samoan language week mat time. Samoan Language Week serves as a platform to celebrate and preserve the Samoan language, which is vital in connecting Samoan communities within New Zealand and worldwide. Nga mihi Best Start Kauri Flats