Special Pink Day for Crystal

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As Crystal embarks on her journey into maternity leave, we gather to celebrate this special moment with a Maternity Mat time dedicated to her and the little girl soon to join our community. 

In a room adorned with hues of soft pinks and gentle pastels, we create an atmosphere filled with warmth and joy. Crystal, our radiant mom-to-be, takes center stage as we shower her with words of encouragement, love, and well-wishes. 

The Maternity Mat time is a tapestry of shared stories, laughter, and heartfelt advice, creating a circle of support around Crystal as she steps into the beautiful world of motherhood. 

Each child contributes a piece of advice written on a card, forming a collection of wisdom for Crystal to cherish. The room echoes with the excitement and anticipation of welcoming a precious baby girl into our midst. 

As we conclude the Maternity Mat time, we present Crystal with a symbolic gift— carefully chosen to represent the strength, clarity, and beauty that she brings to our community. With tears of joy and gratitude, Crystal embraces the heartfelt wishes and support, leaving for her maternity leave surrounded by the warmth of friendship and the love of her extended work family. 

We look forward to having her back ASAP!