Spring Holiday Fun!


BestStart Katikati ran a holiday programme at the end of term 3. All the tamariki were very excited about this and came up with fun and exciting activities that they would like to do through out this time. On sensory day the tamariki got to explore "ice". 

Through this experience the tamariki built up their fine motor skills and coordination while exploring and moulding the ice while learning what happens when it starts to melt and changes consistency. There was opportunities for the tamariki to be involved in exploring the sensation of "gloop" - is it a solid or is it a liquid???  It was great to see the tamariki use their sensory and science skills through this experience. 

Camping!! Who doesnt like a camping experience?? The tamariki had a special "pj and camping experience" day. It was great to be all snuggly and cosy in our pjs and to hear all the tamariki sharing their camping stories and experiences. This was a great way to learn more about the children's families and places that they have explored together and about the adventures they have shared. 

We look forward to our next holiday programme in the Christmas Holidays....I wonder what fun stuff we will do then!!