Starting Spring off with Daffodil Day!

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The daffodil is the first flower of spring. Bringing light after cold, dark winter days and the hope of a new beginning. As a centre we recognize that so many of us have either experienced or know of someone who has experienced a cancer diagnosis and therefore we come together as a community to dress in yellow to raise money for The New Zealand Cancer Society. 

We had been very busy in the lead-up to Daffodil Day, making flowers to decorate our centre and it looked great with all its yellow decorations. We had yellow balloons and bubbles too. The children arrived in all their yellow finery with cool hats, dresses, and hi-vis vests. We also had a couple of special visitors as two little lambs joined in the fun much to the delight of the children who even got to feed them their bottles. 

Thanks to everyone who brought in a gold coin, we raised over $72. What a great effort! Links to Te Whāriki: Belonging-Mana whenua; Children experience an environment where they become increasingly capable of making links between people, places, and things in their world.

Exploration-Mana aotūroa; Children experience an environment where there are opportunities to demonstrate a sense of responsibility for the living world and knowledge about how to care for it.