Supporting Gumboot Friday at BestStart Montessori The Gardens
In line with the Montessori principle of grace and courtesy, at BestStart Montessori the Gardens, we love to share the concept of giving back to our community. One way we can do this, including our tamariki and pēpi, is to support awareness and fundraising days, such as, Gumboot Friday.
Our entire centre supported Gumboot Friday. We wore our gumboots, had a gumboot throw competition and sang the iconic Fred Dagg song, “If It Weren’t for Your Gumboots.” We encouraged our whānau to donate to the cause as well as sharing information about Gumboot Friday and why we feel it is important for our ākonga.
By teaching our ākonga about the many ways we can support those around us, we are installing a sense of community. Knowing that they are a part of the community, creates positive connections and a feeling of belonging. This lays the foundations for our tamariki and pēpi to be constructive and inclusive members of our society now and in the future.
The contribution/mana tangata strand of Te Whāriki 2017 says: “Working together for the common good develops a spirit of sharing, togetherness, and reciprocity, which is valued by Pasifika and many other cultures. This strand draws on children’s abilities to contribute their own strengths and interests.” (p.36)
Montessori Journey to Excellence (MJ2Ex) Te Ara Ki Huhuatanga: Essential Elements, our Montessori guidelines, “The environment supports development of ākonga and encourages self-responsibility and awareness of how their actions may influence others.”
For more information about Gumboot Friday: