Teddy bears picnic


At Beststart Silverstream the Prep school tamariki had a special day where each tamaiti was able to bring along a special furry friend. The tamariki took great pride in setting up the tables and picnic mats, each with a tea set - cups, saucers and special kai for the special guests. 

In our Prep room at BestStart Silverstream, our kaiako have been using incentives as a teaching strategy to encourage and support great behaviour. Great behaviour can be identified in many ways; for our Prep school tamariki this could look like 

  • Showing initiative 
  • Being a kind friend 
  • Being a great role model 
  • Following instructions 
  • Sharing with others 

As a result of implementing these systems, the kaiako have noticed a strong sense of mana for our Prep School tamariki. They take great pride in their space and treat each other and their environment respectfully. As a reward, the tamariki can choose a special activity - or in this case event to celebrate their amazing achievements. We cannot wait to see what our tamariki will choose next