​Visit to May road Primary school


Transitioning from early childhood education to primary school can be a big step for our young children. Today our curious and excited children who turn 5 soon, had the opportunity to visit May road primary school - new entrant class and meet the teachers, marking the beginning of their journey into formal education. As the children entered the classroom, they were greeted with a sense of excitement and nervousness, unsure of what to expect in this new environment. The teachers, recognizing the children’s apprehension, warmly welcomed them and introduced them to the other students. The children were amazed by the new surroundings, filled with colorful posters, books, and learning materials. The teachers took the time to show the children around the classroom that would soon become familiar to them. 

As the children interacted with the other students and engaged in playful learning experiences, they began to feel more at ease and excited about the prospect of starting school. The teachers encouraged the children to ask questions, express their thoughts, talk to one another and explore their interests, fostering a sense of curiosity and confidence in their abilities. Through this visit, the children gained a glimpse into the world of primary school and the supportive community of teachers and peers that would accompany them on their educational journey. 

The transition from early childhood education to school may be a significant milestone, but with these regular school visits, our young learners are well-equipped to embrace the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. We look forward to more visits in the future.