Waiata about the weather

Waiata about the weather

At Best Start Opihi, ngā tamariki have been enjoying learning about the weather over the months of May and June. 'What's the weather?' It is one of the group's favourite new mat time songs. This waiata includes sign language, and the tamariki enjoy their name being called to check the weather. This waiata doubles as a daily leadership opportunity for the preschool.

Tamariki have enjoyed exploring the weather through various experiences, including art and craft, photography, puzzles, music and movement, books and stories, and science experiments. It has been exciting for tamariki to take photos of our changing weather, especially our frosty mornings and changing cloud patterns. These photos make for great conversations to revisit our learning.

Through a variety of intentional teaching and planned learning activities, all preschool children from two to five years old have been included in this weather-focused group learning.