Watch out for our construction zones!

Welcome to BestStart Fairy Springs. As you walk through our Centre, for health and safety reasons please watch out for our construction zones. Is our Centre currently under construction, you may ask? No, we are busy at work, participating in our current child-driven interest. Yes, you've guessed it - we love building in our Centre!

Scattered throughout, we are busy with our mahi, selecting our own resources from our huge variety. The whanuangatanga is evident too, as we engage in group play, sharing a purpose and installing a sense of unity amongst ourselves, showing support for each other. Lots of verbal communication is occurring, as we discuss what needs to be done, or what we are constructing, our ideas not always going to plan, especially when our mahi goes tumbling to the ground. That's okay though, it's part of our social-emotional competence skill development, as we learn to manage our emotions and build our self-confidence.

We remember our turn-taking and sharing skills too, as we continue on. Here at BestStart Fairy Springs, construction offers learning opportunities for all ages and encourages us to extend on the complexity of our building. Our confidence continues to grow as we incorporate a variety of different resources into our building, sharing and using our own ideas, linking to our knowledge from home and our community. We would love to show you our construction too, so if you're looking for a Centre, come visit us and see all our learning that occurs through our play.