We are enjoying being outside at BestStart Glasgow Street

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As the weather cools and the sun graces us with its presence, our tamariki eagerly embrace the opportunity to frolic outdoors and bask in its warmth. Outdoor playtime not only offers them a chance to soak up the sunshine but also serves as a rich learning environment where they can flourish and develop new skills as they grow.

The expansive outdoor space provides our tamariki with ample room to explore, move, and observe their peers, offering valuable learning experiences. Recently, we've witnessed our tamariki eagerly watching one another, spurred on by the challenge of refining their gross motor skills and mastering the art of crawling in its various stages and forms. This outdoor environment encourages them to push their boundaries, identify their strengths, and confront challenges head-on.

Through perseverance and determination, our tamariki navigate obstacles and overcome hurdles, gaining a profound sense of accomplishment with each success. These triumphs not only bolster their confidence but also ignite a hunger for further growth and development. As they conquer one milestone, they set their sights on the next, fostering a continuous cycle of learning and achievement.

Furthermore, outdoor play fosters invaluable social interactions as our tamariki engage with one another, learning to communicate, collaborate, and negotiate within a shared space. Through these interactions, they refine their social skills, laying the groundwork for meaningful relationships and cooperative play.

It's evident that our tamariki relish their time in the outdoor play area, where every moment is filled with discovery, learning, and joyful camaraderie. As they frolic and explore, they're not just having fun—they're actively shaping their understanding of the world and honing essential skills that will serve them well in the years to come.