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Last couple of months have been full of celebrations in the centre. 

During Maori Language Week, we have all challenged ourselves and learned something new alongside our children. We learned to play tī rākau - the stick games made some pois from scratch, practiced new waitas, and read Maori legends during group time. 

As such a multi-cultural centre, it was an amazing opportunity for us to learn more about the land and culture we live in. Moreover, as part of the school holiday program, we have also done many dress-up days, teddy bear picnics, sensory days, sports days and the list could go on! 

In our pepi room, we have been doing some reviews around actively implementing more outdoor play where our children can explore, take risks, and most importantly have fun! With many of our children going through amazing milestones such as crawling to walking, it has been an emotional month watching them grow and being part of the celebration alongside our families. 

Forest Kindy project has launched where our 'big boys and big girls/4-year-olds' will be learning all the core skills for school through nature - motor skills (running, jumping, independently walking through obstacle courses, keeping oneself safe), early numeracy and mathematic skills such as understanding size and shape and starting to count and recognize some numbers. 

We have an open day on Thursdays, come along and join us in our amazing curriculum and be part of our village!