Our Set for School programme underpins all that we do and this starts in the Fantail Room and follow...
Imaginary Play is a rich learning experience that helps children to gain a better understanding of t...
The cherry tree blossoms at BestStart Botany Road this time each year to let us know that Spring is...
Kaiako have planned small group excursions to our local Plant Barn to purchase plants for the garden...
This new equipment supports tamariki to explore, develop their gross motor skills, build confidence,...
Here at Botany Road we believe that our tamariki and whanau are a part of the centre even when tamar...
Nature is a beautiful and admirable area of life to explore and become familiar with!
Children in the Tuatara Room had a wonderful time developing their balance, hand eye co-ordination a...
Children loved Crazy Hair Day so much during lockdown that we decided to do it again when everyone r...
We've been busy learning with our new Busy Boards
We're currently exploring the living world
The start of autumn means many things but to the tamariki in the Fantail Room the falling leaves me...