
Our specialised teachers develop one-on-one relationships with your child. We know the importance of making special time to build strong relationships with lots of cuddles, smiles and song. Each baby is special, with their own unique family and culture.
Our teachers integrate the care of your under two (nappy changing, feeding and sleeping) with teaching and learning so that special attention is given to developing the brain through a deep and connected relationship with the caregiver.
Babies love to look, touch and taste new things and to explore the world around them. In our home-like centres we ensure there are carefully chosen, wonder-filled resources to discover as they begin to make sense of their new world. We stimulate your infant with music, movement, physical play, art and language.
Our teachers know that routines are important. They will listen carefully to you about your hopes for your baby. We encourage you to talk with us and we make time to talk with you, building your trust in us as we become part of you and your child’s world.
We will care and nurture your child as if they were at home.