We welcomed Susan from St John's in our centre, who shared a captivating story with us and introduce...
Kia ora, In the Koru room we have been celebrating Matariki. As part of this we have been setting up...
Our teachers have been working on Matariki this week, as part of the Waita star Koka Ripeka decided...
What a wonderful week the koru room has had exploring and learning about the sea!
Sensory play encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem-solving, and creativity. O...
We created a new garden at our centre in preparation for Matariki! The children enjoyed digging and...
We had so much fun reading stories about Granny McFlitter and her knitting adventures!
Tamariki participated in some Diwali cultural experiences such as making lanterns, making, painting...
Together as a centre whānau, we spent this time celebrating in special ways.
The team at BestStart Greenmeadows (Napier) are on a journey to deepen our understanding of our cent...
During the school holidays the teaching team creates a programme for our children that is fun, inter...
A day where we invited children to dress up in blue, bring along their favourite teddies and the tea...