Tamariki at BestStart Delta Ave celebrated diversity with Diwali, dress-up, and Christmas events.
Exciting Updates from Best Start Delta Ave At Best Start Delta Ave, we are dedicated to providing ou...
We're all about celebrating the different cultures that make up our wonderful centre, this month we...
Over the last couple of months, we have been celebrating a few different events with tamariki and it...
We kicked off the New Year with a few celebrations as well as events.
It's been a busy month with celebrations as well as a lot of learning happening. We've even started...
Our tamariki have shown great interest in playing musical instruments, we've been letting them explo...
Our local curriculum at BestStart Dilworth Ave provides weekly learning experiences from outside pr...
The opening of our Preschool Rua Room was very exciting for our centre. This is the room our older t...
Last month Santa came by to give all our children Christmas presents, we also had some surprise visi...
We welcome warmer weather, which is perfect timing as we celebrate Diwali - the festival of lights.
In Preschool Tahi and Rua, we are so lucky to have a wide range of resources available to explore in...