We have noticed our infants being curious and using their senses to make connections with the world...
Ko Mauao te Maunga Ko Te Awanui te Moana Ko Kopurererua te awa Ko Takitimu me Mataatua ōku waka Ko H...
Our Motutaiko Infants have been learning about their geograpical surroundings through Korikori wai....
Tamariki, natural explorers, often overlook the sense of smell. Yet, this overlooked sense can open...
In remembrance of one of our BestStart founders Chloe Wright, we celebrated by making Chloe's favori...
We are celebrating diverse cultures' events, festivals, and language weeks to promote culturally re...
What a beautiful morning to commemorate such a wonderful person, Chloe Wright.
After weeks of practicing and listening to the Lion sleeps tonight our Pukeko (3-5yr old) tamariki p...
To wrap up 2023 we would like to say thank you to all our amazing whānau, we hosted Sam and his barn...
Butter was a big part of centre life and we sadly have to say goodbye to our treasured bunny.
Here at BestStart Kelvin Street, peita me te tuhi| painting and drawing is an everyday staple for ou...
We recently organized a cultural day at our centre where we celebrated our community's diverse backg...