Te Awamutu, also known as Rosetown, is home to a colourful and vibrant rose garden. Here at BestStar...
Our art exhibition at BestStart Leeds Street has become an annual event every November and one that...
Here at BestStart Milson Line, teachers look at ways to support children's literacy and numeracy th...
We took some children on an excursion to our local beach, Arkles Beach! It was a beautiful experienc...
Cultural celebrations promote children’s creativity, curiosity, and interests, it is a great opportu...
We kicked off our Christmas party by having a big and small soccer game in Eden Park, followed by a...
Here at BestStart Kelvin Grove we have a fun holiday programme each school holidays. We want to ensu...
Mangere Mountain is a big part of our neighborhood, and we've decided to make it a special symbol fo...
Christmas is a time for celebration. But, it's also a great opportunity to teach our children some i...
Recently, our centre hosted a Christmas Picnic for all our lovely tamariki and whānau. At Hei Hei, w...
This year we have had a wonderful lead-up to Christmas with kaiako, tamariki and their whaanau.
There have been plenty of laughter, fun, surprises and celebrations planned for our tamariki this mo...