In Montessori Rongotai, the theme of spring revolves around exploring nature's renewal and growth. I...
Nga Tamariki have been super busy learning by exploring and through hands-on learning. Hands-on lea...
We have recently had our playground revamped and it's finally finished - and we are absolutely lovi...
In the Pepi Taonga room we value our little pepi and their whanau as unique individual and the cultu...
Here at BestStart Wigram, we are very fortunate to have plenty of opportunities to get out and explo...
We have had so much fun planning and carrying out a School Holiday Program! We asked the Tamariki wh...
A big part of our centre philosophy is about connection with our wider community and discovering "w...
Throughout the past few months, here at BestStart Vivian Street, we have been going on a bug and ins...
Here in the Kiwi room, we enjoy baking with the children. Baking offers Tamariki lots of benefits be...
Currently in the Kea room, Babies, Dolls and Family role play are a combined interest with a large g...
What an awesome Te wiki o te reo we had. We started the week with creating individual pepeha to be d...
September Fun Here are some photos of what our tamariki have been up to this month in the Pīwakwaka...